Quantico, assembling, 2020
Quantico, assembling, 2020
As you know from Rauschemberg to Arman, from Boltanski to the latest Ai Wei Wei, the assembly as artwork has become less and less effective to the eyes of the large public which is very attracted by social media and figurative and now a big part of public considers 'absurd' everything which is installation and environment. It is no coincidence that in order to differentiate themselves from the exhibitions of middle-class art, made by affordable fair (to which partecipate by fee) , the museums and high gallery curators started to showin favour of the hyper-sized artworks of Kapoor, koons and Christo that are not equalled even at the Venice Biennale ( also a victim of the balance sheets to make ends meet. )

 In short, institutional art is a budget matter and every middle -class artist could resume his uncompleted discourse when new materials and awarenesses enter their lives, but every research need to be sponsored. Then the middle-class artist needs a graduation level of knowledge on the history and on how ecommerce and marketing work; 

He needs to know how to raise money, (which a gallery could make for him) to compete in the institutional environment. It seems to be too much expensive. 

Somebody may suggest that also Michelangelo in his time needed economic interests.

This obviously means that after 500 years nothing has changed in art while, at the same time, humanity is leaving for Mars.
D. T.

